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"Alone we can do so little.  Together we can do so much."

- Helen Keller

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We are not a registered charity. Therefore, we cannot issue tax receipt.

This is a family initiative. Thank you for your understanding.

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Our friend Shane Alvares just published his very first book: Silly Sydney - a comical and heartwarming story about a "middle child" trying to find her place in a busy and dynamic family. When you purchase his book, you are helping us to raise money for our projects. He is generously donating part of his proceeds to Handfull Hearts. This is why he is doing it: "I've known Fabiana and Stelios for the past 3 years. They have helped me both personally and professionally, to grow into a better person. They were the first people to really demonstrate the power of philanthropy to me. They are the reason I decided to give back with proceeds from my book. In addition, Handfull Hearts also hits home for me because my first child, Dylan, spent her first week in the NICU. My wife and I both know how difficult and stressful this can be and are so thankful that it was only a few days. I cannot imagine having this continue for weeks and months. I admire the strength and dedication it takes from the parents who are dealing with this and that's why I am proud that my family and my book "Silly Sydney" are able to support Handful Hearts. It makes a great gift!


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Thank you Shane!

your donation will go to the project we are currently supporting.

We collect and give all the donations to the project on or before the target date.


Please note – this is a family initiative and we are not a registered charity.

Therefore, we cannot issue tax receipts.

© 2017 HandFullHearts.


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